Investing in Playground Sets for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Helping Them Develop Skills and Improve their Health

Preschoolers and toddlers discover the world around them and learn more about themselves while in school. They learn how to use their body, engage their minds, and communicate with their peers. Allowing these little ones to play on Inspire Play playground sets, they can develop on such fronts further and improve their physical health while they have fun. 

Whether you are designing a daycare, preschool, or neighborhood playground, you must capitalise on such benefits in the design. You want to focus on making a space where children can enjoy the best days of their childhood. To design the ideal playground for children, here is a guide you can consider:

Understanding Why Children Need a Playground

Playground equipment encourages social-emotional learning and physical activity. A playground can help toddlers and preschoolers develop their gross motor skills. 

Fine motor skills include the use of small muscles groups in a child’s hands, fingers, and wrists in a controlled way. Activities such as playing with building blocks and colouring can help kids develop such skills. Meanwhile, gross motor skills include bigger groups used for moving the body. By developing such skills, a baby can roll over or crawl. Children develop gross motor skills such as walking, balancing, climbing, skipping, and jumping while they play at an early childhood playground. 

Considering Playground Guidelines and Regulations

Before you invest in playsets for toddlers or preschoolers, determine if there are rules or recommendations you must follow. Also, look into laws, which require the construction of spaces in a playground that can be shared with kids who have disabilities. For this, you may need to include some surfacing types and ramps to make the playground more accessible for different children.

If there are no legal requirements, check if there are some guidelines and best practices to keep in mind. Find playground playsets that adhere to some safety standards from different organisations such as the Canadian Standard Association. 

Making a Playground with Different Play Equipment

To build the ideal playground, think about the various kinds of playground equipment and the play areas you plan to incorporate. According to studies, playgrounds that feature different play facilities draw kids and encourage active play. Some of the pieces of equipment you can include in your playground include climbing structures for young kids such as those with stairs, loop climbers, and ladders that have wavy rungs. Also, you can invest in slides to encourage kids’ sense of adventure, swings, riding equipment, pretend play equipment, and free play surfaces.