Save the World from Climate Change

A lot has been said about climate change. There are those who do not see it as a big issue, while there are those who have decided that it is small enough to warrant a change in our lifestyles.

As more and more people feel and see the need to do something about having a better world, it is time that we sought solutions that can be quickly implemented to solve this problem.

Here are some ideas that can be implemented from the single household level to help reduce the causes and effects of global warming.

Used oil recycling

At home, there are two types of oil that we commonly use. Motor oil and cooking oil. Did you know, that there exists used oil recycling companies that recycle these two types of oil?

These companies provide you with a container to store your used cooking oil and collect it within agreed periods. This helps take away the headache of how to dispose of your used cooking oil and does away with the problem of clogged sinks in your home.

Search for one that is closer to your home and get into their recycling programs and you will have made a big impact towards improving the health of the world.

Talk about it

When we are aware of what is happening to the environment, let us not keep the information to ourselves. Let us talk about climate change and global warming with our families and colleagues at work.

We can contact and encourage our leaders and lawmakers to come up with laws that help create an impact in the fight against climate change. Laws on used oil recycling will help improve the environment and help grow businesses that are already doing it.

Reduce travel

If possible, it is better for households to have less cars. One car per household is enough to help bring down the level of carbon dioxide that is produced from our roads.

Rather than drive, it better if one took public transport which helps lower the number of vehicles on the roads. With more bike lanes, people can cycle to work or even have flexible working arrangements that allow them to not travel to work daily.

Use renewable energy

At the household level, you can use solar panels for your heating needs in the place of electricity. This will go a long way in reducing the amount of electric energy used and thus help reduce global warming and the effects of global warming.

Use environmentally friendly energy

One of the products of used oil recycling is bio-fuels. These fuels have less impact on the environment on their production unlike other fuels. When they are used, their emissions do not have a harmful effect on the environment.

There are many transport and other types of organizations that have adopted bio-fuels. This ensure that they are also counted among those making an impact in the improvement of our world and environment.


One of the most important ways to help reduce and eliminate global warming and its effects is by educating others. When more and more people are aware of what causes pollution in the environment, it is possible that they change.

Consistently talking about climate change and better ways of living sees more and more people impacted and a positive change in the way the environment is looked after.

Reduce waste

At the household level, try as much to reduce your home waste. Eat organically grown food and recycle as much as possible.

Do not buy products with lots of packaging as it only serves to fill up landfills. Less waste is good for the environment.


To have a better educated world on the causes and effects of global warming, good habits should be instilled in people at home from when they are young. Recycling motor oil and cooking oil is a good place to start and this will trickle into other aspects of life.