What Happens if I’m injured on a bus in New York?

Serious injuries can result from bus accidents. Someone’s recklessness caused your serious injuries, frequently the carelessness of another driver. Can you file a claim for compensation for those injuries, especially when there may have been injuries to more than one bus passenger?

Anytime another person’s negligence results in your injuries, you may be entitled to file an injury claim to get paid for your damages. A bus accident claim, however, can easily become challenging.

Begin by speaking with a lawyer.

Get in touch with Albany Personal Injury lawyers as soon as you can if you were hurt in a bus accident, regardless of whether the bus driver’s negligence was to blame or whether another driver’s vehicle collided with the bus.

The Statute of Limitations: An Overview

If a government agency owns the bus and the bus driver was at fault for the collision, you may have a short window of time in New York in which to claim after a bus accident.

According to New York law, you have up to three years to file a personal injury lawsuit after a typical auto accident—including one involving a bus. But let’s say that a government agency is at fault for the bus disaster. Then, you might only have one year and ninety days to formally file a lawsuit and 90 days to file an intent to sue. The court can decline to hear your case after that point.

Find out about the compensation you’re due.

You could sustain serious injuries as a result of a bus accident. Broken bones, spinal injuries, back and neck pain, and serious abrasions are all potential outcomes of bus accidents. For any medical expenses you incurred as a result of the accident, any lost wages, and the pain and suffering you experienced as a result of the occurrence, you might be entitled to compensation.

In addition to helping you recover the financial losses you incurred as a result of the accident, an attorney can give you greater, more detailed information about what to anticipate when you engage with the insurance company. On the other side, the insurance provider can attempt to persuade you to accept a meager settlement offer that does not accurately represent the amount of money you should be compensated for your injuries.

Getting financial compensation for your injuries will be easier when you speak with a New York bus accident lawyer.