What You Need To Protect Document Confidentiality


There are a lot of factors to consider when protecting document confidentiality and sensitive information security. Mostly, people would be concerned with laptop and PC security, that they should be safe from hacking and encryption. What they often forget is that printers as of today are also vulnerable to hacking. Which is can also be the cause of information leak and security breach? Smart equipment has their chips and can store information like the trail of documents printed in a day, a month, or even a year. This chip can be hacked and retrieve information printed.

You should consider these steps in ensuring your documents stay in your office and away from people with wrong intentions

  1. Use Trusted Networks

There are multi-function printers that can print, scan, and fax. This requires the use of a network to transmit data from one location to another. Often, hackers use this network to connect themselves and harvest what is being sent to and fro. Always make sure that your network is secure and trusted. Validate information given by your clients like email addresses, contact numbers, fax numbers, etc. This prevents other people from getting into your office’s system.

  1. Information Access Security

Limit the number of persons or computers that hold confidential documents. To track where an error has occurred and fix the problem. Controlling the number of copies of every confidential document can lessen the risks of a leak. You can also implement a restricted area strictly for confidential documents. There are Xerox managed print services Chicago from Green Office Partner, which can also help you manage the amount of information that can only be printed or copied by certain persons.

  1. Employee Guidelines

Give your employees guidelines when transferring or sending sensitive information. Enforce strict policies for them also strictly to comply with the guidelines of the company. Also, enforce protocols and guidelines when using devices. For example, computers can only be inserted with recognized flashdrives to eliminate the potential of employees having copies of documents.

  1. Device Vulnerability

When purchasing devices for office use, make sure they are virus protected and is modified by your IT according to your security needs and guidelines. This helps prevent the vulnerability of your devices to be used by hackers as a medium for hacking. Some companies thank the MSP Alliances Chicago from Green Office Partner for the reliable services they offer in printing management.

  1. Auditing

You should be able to audit the number of prints made in one day and track which of those are confidential and is printed by who and from which computer. Information should be complete to track down any suspicious events made when printing in the office. Your IT should be able to track down when a device or a person does not comply with the guidelines of printing in the office.

Final Word

Running a business is like cooking, you have to keep your https://www.greenofficepartner.com/msp-alliance a secret so people wouldn’t be able to replicate it and you’d always stand out. If your documents ever get leaked, your company’s information and data can be copied. Also, by using your data, potential rivals in the business can use it against you.